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talent acquisition department

we help growing companies build better teams

stop using
recruiting agencies

there's a better way to manage your talent acquisition

At UnicornCG, we believe the way recruiting agencies work with companies like yours is broken. And we're here on a mission to fix things. Read our manifesto here


With Unicorn, you can now afford to have a dedicated talent acquisition team working directly for your company. We work directly with your managers, your culture, and your process, doing everything a Chief Talent Officer should do for a growing company like yours. 


We don't ever charge commissions (a percentage of a new employee's compensation), when we help you hire. Instead, we work with your team for a single, flat, budgetable monthly fee. Our experienced recruiters will manage your hiring process, from your internship program up to your senior leadership team. 


And compared to recruiting agencies, many companies save enough money on their first three hires to see positive ROI for an entire year of our services. 

save money

Recruiting agencies charge you a commission of up to 33% of your new employee's salary! 

Our flat monthly fees save our clients
67% on average. 

compete for top talent

The employees you want are in high demand in

this economy.

We combine evolving technology with experienced recruiters to build your team with
top-tier talent. 

stay compliant

Regulations governing talent acquisition are in rapid change. We help your team stay inside the lines with updates, coaching, and practice. 

up your hiring game

Most of our client teams immediately see big improvements in vetting
and hiring candidates.

We deliver training and coaching to implement best practices, strategic planning, and increased objectivity. 

so...let’s talk about you! 

to book a meeting, or to get new content about the talent acquisition landscape, 
just let us know 

We appreciate hearing from you!

clients we’ve helped

Let's talk!


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